Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bible Thumping

You can read the inspiration for this post here.

Definitely not a pro-pornography post (but hey, like any hot blooded male, I do enjoy a voyeuristic romp), but just some simple thoughts on those that use the Bible to condemn all manner of behavior.

Please have a read through on the typical "evils" of pornography
(not my opinions btw)

Around 10 percent of all adults (not statistically proven) who engage in viewing pornography feel that they are addicted. These are self-reports of men and women who cannot stop viewing pornography. The consequences of pornography addiction (dependence) may not always be clear, but let me list a few consequences:
  • Separation and divorce
  • Being unavailable to children
  • Job loss
  • A fiance ending the relationship
  • An increased tendency to argue
  • Lack of trust in relationships
  • Sexually acting out
While many argue that pornography is a matter of freedom of speech, they are missing the point. Pornography hurts people. Do you really wonder who it hurts? It hurts marriages. It hurts the individuala who become addicted. Those caught in this addiction are likely to be depressed and feel out of control. They will not be as focused in their relationships with other halves.

If you aren't anti-pornography - you might want to consider the social implications that pornography is having upon all of us. It is time to wake up and realize that pornography is destroying far too many good men and women's lives. "

He then went on to quote the bible, to back up what he was saying.
I find this situation rather typical in present day interactions with a typical christian. In this instance, when I say christian, I'm excluding Catholics (though we're part of the same family).
Catholics can be depended upon to mind their business, their relationship is between God and themselves (the Pope being the exception as he continually shoots his mouth off. He speaks for the religion but not for the majority of practicing Catholics).

Back on point- It's my opinion and experience that increasingly Christians around the globe have taken to "bible thumping". In this instance, they've targeted pornography. Not too long ago, Singaporean Christians set their sights on homosexuality- Be aware of MORONS in Aware.

Firstly, I've mentioned that marriage as an institution is no longer as sacred as it used to be. Secondly, as a biblical foundation, marriage was something instituted by the Catholics (Vatican council) to be precise. For those of you who are family with King Henry VIII, his conflict with the Holy See over marriage and divorce essentially led to the splinter from Holy Leadership in Rome and gave birth to the Church of England (Anglican Catholicism). My point is that the man-made foundations (decided by men; females weren't involved in the decision making) for this institution is the reason for its high failure rates.

Through the ages, marriage success is and continues to be a major factor in how we are judged. People are pressured into marriage even today by social norms and mores. In the local context of Asian Singapore- there's a greater emphasis of "waiting for the right time (e.g. after graduation)" rather than "waiting for the right one."

As a student of human social dynamics, it's my opinion that marriages are failing, because it's not natural. And the failure rate is compounded when many (particularly Singaporean females) pressured into finding someone and as a result don't take the time to find the right one.

Raise of hands, those of you who are familiar with the following statements:
  • He was nice so I stay with him lor.
  • He was persistent. Always chasing me, so I gave in.
  • Together 7 years already, get married lor.
When girls tell me this, it really doesn't speak about how madly in love they are with their partners. It just tells me how insecure and how badly in need of adoration many Singaporean girls are.

And in the end, Singaporean hen-pecked men resent their wives, Singaporean women, hate their unromantic unwitty husbands (enter the Ang-moh), do you really think this is all because of porn?

Now think about how many people have been duped into believing that they must go and make it "official".

Some have claimed that the bible is a highly flawed book and when the entire institution of marriage is based in the bible, where does that leave us?

Biblical "Marriages"
They would see a priest (one from the tribe of Levi) to get permission and blessing. the man would do this. then he would go to the woman's family and buy her, of course she was only acceptable if she was a virgin.

It's only a marriage after it's been consummated. This is where the whole "tradition" of "you may kiss the bride" arises. In days of old, the village or village elders are present at the consummation to stand witness to the virginity of the bride, the evidence: Blood on the marital sheets.

Bible refers to post-marital sex as "and he knew her" so when a man knows this woman, by having sex, she becomes his wife.

Biblically (Christian, Torah & Quran), a man could do this with as many women as he could afford to keep. Solomon had 700 wives, and 300 slave women.

This was cool with God. All the key people in the bible had more than one wife; I've looked it up, you should too.

Having read the basis of marriage, reconsider the hypothesis that Porn is the reason for divorce. For all intents and purposes, the Bible tends to describe sex/sex with multiple women as an amazing thing (Songs of Solomon) even if it's paid for. In a way it's always paid for, even from the beginning, a man had to buy his virgin wife from her parents.

Now think about our Nanny State and all the taboos of sex/talks of sex and how the government continually bemoans the lack of babies. We have essentially tabooed sex itself!

And if we never talk about it openly and talk to our children the responsibilities of this profound and amazing act, how will we as a society and as individuals ever achieve maturity in our thoughts and feelings regarding the issue? On a more personal note, I've noticed that a bout of amazing sex solves more arguments that cold facts and logical reasoning, it is therefore, a logical assumption that the nitty gritty of the course of marriage might run a little smoother with semi-regular exchanges of bodily fluids no?

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Will look up your blog from time to time :)

    Nanny State! Haha..
