Thursday, May 28, 2009

Face: Common sense sacrificed on the alter of Singaporean Culture

Yes. You heard me- Singaporean Culture. I don't say Asian Culture because a variety of politicians and dictators have misguidedly used the idea of "asian values" as an excuse to practice autocracy.

But this post isn't about politics. It's about plain common cents.

Face value in the Singaporean context is so ridiculously important that it not only gets in the way of rational business decision making but it causes the usually "penny-pinching" singaporeans into getting into their cars, paying their road taxes (tax to use the road) and then PAYING more taxes (erp) to use particular roads.

We complain about kopitiam price increases, cost of living expenses etc but when it comes to owning a car and driving it around a very small and highly connected Singapore, common sense flies out the window.

My premise is this- If the majority of New Yorkers, one of the most densely packed population of career minded and fashion conscious people, can eskew car ownership for a metro system and foot travel, why the hell can't we?

Why are we still so voluntarily paying for more than we have to when we don't need to? It's FACE and the "loving adoration" of relatives/friends going- "Wahh.. he drive merchedis (insert car brand) hor.."

And it's the very same mentality that keeps the majority voting the same people back in. Just think about what a big liability this obsession is.

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