Thursday, April 16, 2009

Terrible Thursdays: ZOMBIES!

It's been yet another crap day, doing business in Singapore flies against the face of rational decision making when everything exists around a concept of Guan Xi.

Guan Xi by its very nature, implies that even if it's NOT THE BEST deal/rates, the project/supply contract still goes to you- JUST BECAUSE you're a friend or long time partner.

This is great, all this trust and love is wonderful. But it flies in the face of innovative business ideas that depend on you making a RATIONAL rather than EMOTIONAL decision.

Singaporean business executives have a long way to go (which explains the economy is living in the crapper).

That said, I look forward to zombies rising forth and eating all the "set-in-stone" aged decision makers. And when it all goes to hell, I really hope my maid passes muster.

Cheers to the zombie apocalypse and my L4D marathon on friday!

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