Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shaolin Wood

In the late 80s, the golden age of Hong Kong cinematic productions opened my eyes to Shaolin Kung Fu.

Austere grey robed monks ambled across pebble strewn backroads and wastelands, ready to defend life and morality with well placed kicks and deft palm strokes.

My eyes widened with each timbre beam sundered and each rival floored with a the strike of a thousand palms.

But today, I believe the monks have met their true rival. A wood that can never be touched or softened.

A shaolin wood.

On August 17, eight contestants of a local beauty pageant took part in a Swimsuit fashion show in front of the main gate of the Shaolin Monastery.

The contestants sashayed and strutted their stuff in front of monks sworn to celibacy and a life of eternal purity.

To the monks at 少林寺Chán Shaolin Monastery at Song Shan near Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China. My heart goes out to you.

It appears that even monkhood cannot save you from the deathly blue balls syndrome.

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